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What is CAMPS?

Association Profile

The California Association of Medical Product Suppliers (CAMPS) is a non-profit, statewide trade association representing the California HME industry. CAMPS is headquartered in Sacramento representing approximately 200 HME companies with over 200 branches in California. 

The CAMPS Board of Directors is comprised of industry leaders including CEOs and owner/operators of national, as well as, independent HME providers. 

The Association is a powerful voice for HME companies and manufacturers.

What Does CAMPS Do?

CAMPS Protects Your Interests at the State Capital

CAMPS' lobbyist and staff are your advocates before the California Legislature, the Governor's office and administrative agencies. Our efforts save members money every year by defeating adverse proposals as well as securing legislation beneficial to the HME industry.

Our endeavors have included and will continue to embrace issues affecting: licensure, sales tax, budget cuts, reimbursement, and much more.

CAMPS Gives Immediate Answers
CAMPS offers immediate help with industry problems and concerns. Our experienced staff can answer questions about many of your day-to-day business operations. For example;

  • Licensure/Regulatory Requirements,

  • Obtaining/Changing a Medi-Cal Provider Number,

  • Billing Issues, and much more.

HME Resource For Information
It can be difficult for active business people to keep abreast of industry news. CAMPS helps keep members up-to-date through our e-mail newsletter "California HME Update."

CAMPS sponsors educational seminars featuring leading industry speakers and consultants focusing on vital information and changes to the HME industry. Visit our events page for more details.

Mission Statement

The mission of CAMPS is to be THE voice and resource providing leadership, advocacy and education for the California Home Medical Product and Service Industry.

Value Statement

Home Medical Product Services (HMPS) are a cost effective healthcare service that is in the best interest of patient, provider and payor. HMPS must be provided in a safe, legal and ethical manner. Self-regulation and judicious, measured government involvement is necessary to ensure quality care for patient, provider, payor and the overall preservation of home health care. Direct membership involvement is essential to preserve the interests of the members today and shape their future. Consistent, concise, clear communication among the Board of Directors, staff, membership, and the healthcare community is critical to the survival of the HMPS industry.

CAMPS' Code of Ethics

Having been accepted into membership in the California Association of Medical Product Suppliers, we do hereby subscribe without reservation to the Association's Code of Ethics.

The purpose of the Code of Ethics shall be to set and improve standards within the practice of providing home medical equipment and services. To maintain the ethical conduct and integrity of this Association, a member pledges to abide by the following:

  1. To render the highest of care promptly and competently taking into account the health and safety of the patient.

  2. To serve all patients regardless of race, creed, national origin or reason of illness.

  3. To provide quality home medical equipment and services which are appropriate for the patients' needs.

  4. To instruct the patients and/or care givers in the proper use of the equipment.

  5. To explain fully and accurately to patients and/or care givers patients' rights and obligations regarding the rental, sale and service of home medical equipment.

  6. To respect the confidential nature of the patients' records and not disclose such information without proper authorization, except as required by law.

  7. To continue to expand and improve professional knowledge and skills so as to provide patients with equipment and services which are continually updated.

  8. To abide by both Federal and local laws and regulations which govern the home medical equipment industry.

  9. To avoid participating, directly or indirectly, with a source of patient referrals in a "captive referral arrangement" whereby patients are directed to utilize a supplier of home medical equipment in derogation of the patients' rights to select the suppliers of their choice.

  10. To act in good faith; to be honest, truthful and fair to all concerned.

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