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CAMPS and the HME Industry Need You!

Listen to a podcast about the value of membership here.

The California Association of Medical Product Suppliers (CAMPS) is a non-profit, statewide trade association representing the California HME industry. CAMPS is headquartered in Sacramento representing approximately 200 HME companies with over 200 branches in California. 

The CAMPS Board of Directors is comprised of industry leaders including CEOs and owner/operators of national, as well as, independent HME providers. 

The Association is a powerful voice for HME companies and manufacturers.

Why CAMPS and the HME Industry Need You

During these waves of changes in the HME industry and economy, NOW is the time to suppport your state association. 

Here is what CAMPS doing for you.

Protects Your Interests

CAMPS’ lobbyist and staff are your advocates before the California Legislature, the Governor’s office and administrative agencies. Our endeavors have included and will continue to embrace issues affecting: licensure, sales tax, budget cuts, reimbursement, and much more.

Gives Immediate Answers

CAMPS offers immediate help with industry problems and concerns. Our experienced staff can answer questions about many of your day-to-day business operations. For example: Licensure/Regulatory Requirements, Obtaining/Changing a Medi-Cal Provider Number, Billing Issues, and general HME information.

Additional Benefits:

Cost Saving Programs

•        Business Insurance at a reasonable rates.

•        Hazardous Materials Reporting

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